lørdag den 28. november 2009

Daily Draw: the Star - November 28, 2009

When you wish upon a Star....

This is a great card for a daily draw! It's more or less telling me that my dreams will come true, my hard work will be rewarded.

Which is good to hear. I didn't get a daily draw yesterday because we were shopping, and believe me, my dreams *did* come true. ;)

NOTE: You may have noticed that I'm using the RWS images. I've said before that I'm using the Golden Tarot, but I know that the author has had issues with copyright infringement, and I don't want to make things worse than they already are. For that reason, I'm going to just stick to the RWS, which are in the public domain.

torsdag den 26. november 2009

Daily Draw: the Sun - November 26, 2009

The Sun is a good card! It means spiritual and material prosperity! I'm pretty thrilled to see it in my daily draw.

Sadly, it's a pretty one sided card, it doesn't say much of anything else. Good things are on the horizon, and that's about it.

That being said, happy Thanksgiving! Anyone who reads my blog, let me know, what are you thankful for?

onsdag den 25. november 2009

Daily Draw: Five of Coins - November 25, 2009

This card in general suggests that indecision, or just not making a decision at all will lead to misfortune. Applying this to my daily life (or yours) in a daily draw, I feel that this card is telling us to make up our friggen minds already!

I've been doing my IDS, although I've also been looking a lot at other decks and thinking about which ones I want to buy etc, and I feel that this card is straight up telling me to focus my strength on the IDS and the Golden tarot and leave the other decks alone!

NOTE: You may have noticed that I'm using the RWS images. I've said before that I'm using the Golden Tarot, but I know that the author has had issues with copyright infringement, and I don't want to make things worse than they already are. For that reason, I'm going to just stick to the RWS, which are in the public domain.

mandag den 23. november 2009

Daily Draw: Four of Wands - November 24, 2009

This is a really, really positive, good card. Like, it's one of those (like the Star) that really just don't have many negative meanings.

It's also not a card that Kat Black gives a parable or saying on, so I'm just going to tell you what this card means for me. Whatever you've been working hard on, will come to fruition. Things like domestic partnership, good harvest, etc. The other thing that this card guarantees, is a fruitful social, family, and love life.

Tomorrow'll be my last day before I go off for Thanksgiving break, so this is a card that I really like to see. Let me know about your day tomorrow :)

Decks to be on the look-out for!

Oooh, goody! I get to talk about tarot and beautiful artwork, two of my favorite things! Now, something you should know about me and deck collecting, is that I don't. I'm a student, a high-school student at that, I don't have a lot of cash, nor a lot of space, plus I find tarot collecting to be a poor investment. Cards just aren't a good thing to be collected in my mind, they're meant to be used, otherwise they serve no purpose (to me at least). That being said, I have nothing against anyone else collecting, and I love to look at the pretty pictures! :) The following decks'll be any unfinished decks, or decks that don't have a publisher yet, that I'm on the lookout for. Lemme know in the comments if you know of any other pretty ones!

Shadowscapes Tarot
This deck has a really misleading name. I don't like decks that are focused around just one color, they're just tired, and when I clicked on this name, I was expecting a black and purple, pseudo-gothic deck. This is the furthest thing from the truth! It's made of beautiful watercolor paintings, absolutely brimming with symbolism. The author has published a book with prints and some other things, but I, for one, am holding out for the real thing (which she projects will be published some time in 2010.) Look around the rest of her site, she's amazing.

Melissa Lenormand
Ay! I'm so madly in love with this deck, it's so beautiful! It's a collage deck (my favorite!) of vintage post cards and vintage advertising. Each of these cards just take me off into another world, I'm back to the fifties! The women of this deck are even more amazing. They really are hauntingly beautiful, I can imagine these women speaking Trans-Atlantic English to me, and buying bonds to support our troops (lol). I'm not sure why they speak to me so much, but they really do. I've talked to the deck's creator, and she's expecting to be finished with the cards in a few
weeks, then she'll have to find a publisher or self-publish them, so they won't be out for a while.

A Passage in Time Tarot
To a history buff like me, this deck is like candy, orgasms, chocolate, and dr. pepper, all rolled into one. It takes historical figures, and aligns them with the major arcana, then uses historical periods for each of the minors. I just found this deck (like five minutes ago!) and it's on my watch list! I love it! The author of this deck is currently seeking a publisher.

søndag den 22. november 2009

Daily Draw: Seven of Cups - November 22, 2009

Too many roads to choose from may slow the journey.

The RWS version of this card shows a person being assaulted by the images of seven cups, each one containing a choice and a journey for him. The Golden version shows something very similar. The thing that I feel that the card is trying to get across to us today is that being descisive and sticking with your decisions is the best way to go.

In my life, I've been thinking about languages for me to learn in the future, and I've got a list of like 16. I feel that this card is warning me that trying to learn all of them will lead me not to success in any of them. It's quality versus quantity. Do you want to be a master in one art, or a jack-of-all-trades in them all?

NOTE: You may have noticed that I'm using the RWS images. I've said before that I'm using the Golden Tarot, but I know that the author has had issues with copyright infringement, and I don't want to make things worse than they already are. For that reason, I'm going to just stick to the RWS, which are in the public domain.

Busy busy busy!

It's awful, during the week I have no trouble getting out daily draws and posts, but have mercy! Trying to get anything done the weekend before Thanksgiving is impossible! I've been such a bad egg, I don't think I've touched my deck since Friday, I'm ashamed to even think about my IDS study.

This is just a baby update to let you know that everything will continue as before tonight, including a daily draw. Thanks for your patience!